River Church in the media

spreading the word to the world

“A compilation of Articles by Richard Gatto”

Temple Daily Telegram – Pastor’s Corner

Who Am I?

“Houston, we have a problem!” Forget Houston! “America, we have a problem!” There is a massive problem in our society today: identity crisis! Never have we been confronted with the perplexing and confusing issue of what gender a person is. God made a man and a woman. Adam and Eve, and they brought forth either a male or female child. Amazingly, that process has not changed in all human history. Gender identity has to do with the fact of being who or what a person is and displaying the characteristics of their anatomy at birth, being a male or female. “God is not the Author of confusion!” However, some confused people on this planet have been manipulated by the “god of this world” – Satan, (2 Corinthians 4:4) who has blinded their minds with lies and deception to destroy them and to rob them of Their God-ordained identity and destiny.

When a husband and wife are joined together in marriage and begin to raise a family, they will produce either a male child or a female child, called a son or a daughter. God has a divine purpose for every child. He has encoded that child with a specific DNA, an identity, and a destiny. Our journey in this life on earth is to search out, find our identity, and fulfill God’s plan for our
lives. Identity and destiny go hand in hand. Unless a person has a solid identity as to who
they are and what their God-given purpose is, they will live frustrated and empty lives, going
to their graves having wasted the gifts and treasures that God put in them in their mother’s womb.

According to the Bible, “God formed my inward parts and crafted me in my mother’s womb; I am mysteriously and wonderfully made. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed; and in
Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when there were none of them. How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God, they are more in number than the sand.” (Psalm 139:13-18) There is only one you, created in the image of God and loved by God! You are unique and there is no one quite like you. Who better than you can be you?

“God has great plans for you, to give you a living hope and a
great future, and an eternity in Heaven.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

The first step in finding one’s identity is to be reconciled to God through His Son Jesus Christ. “We must be born-again” and receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Once we have been born again, the Spirit of Truth will guide us into all truth, (Reality). Secondly, we must study the Word of God, the Bible, which is absolute Truth. We progressively begin to understand the love of God, and our new freedom in Jesus Christ, who is He in us, and who we are in Him! “If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away,

all things have become new.” (2 Cor 5:17)

Having been born again and reconciled to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we then begin our journey to fulfill our destiny. We must daily surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and direct our lives according to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said,

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself daily, take up his cross, and follow Me. Whoever desires to hold onto his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matt 16:25)

Biblical truth is contra-distinctive; when you lose your life, you find it – (Matt 16:25); when you are weak, you become strong – (2 Cor 12:9); when you humble yourself, the Lord will lift you up –
(1 Peter 5:5).

One final word: “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13) God’s mercy is new every morning! Receive it!

Freely give it out wherever you go and to whomever you meet,
regardless of gender! Enjoy life!!

Date:  Come Holy Spirit….Coming soon

Date:  Close Encounters of the God Kind….Coming Soon

Date:  Most liberating words ever spoken. He is risen!…Coming Soon

Date:  Dry Bones Syndrome…Coming Soon

Date:  Rejoice in the Goodness of God…Coming Soon

Date:  Joy to the World…Coming Soon

Date. A Thankful Attitude…Coming Soon

Date:  Run the Race to Win…Coming Soon

Date:  What God has Promised, He will Also Perform…Coming Soon

Date:  Identity and Destiny…Coming Soon

Date:  He is risen!  The words of liberation!…Coming Soon

Date:  What’s in Your Boat?…Coming Soon

Date:  An epic epihiany…Coming Soon


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